we believe there is a mission.

a mission to find a cure,
a mission to raise awarness.

what is west syndrome ?

west syndrome is a rare type of childhood epilepsy and the worst type of.
It is diagnosticed most of the times, betwen the ages of 4 to 6 months (the earlier, the best).
The sympthoms are moving the head to the front and sides, and looking to a place, with no full stop, for minutes, as if the child is asleep, but with open eyes.
There is no cure, today, for west syndrome, which means more and more children keep suffering from this desease.
Many of the children suffering with west syndrome, normally develop other type of seizures. a child with this desease might have 5 to 100 seizures per day. The desease demages the brain (with longer and stronger seizures) and might not let it develop normally, or even, stop developing.

Our mission...

Our mission is most of all, about having faith and hope, and fight for a cure. There are plenty of families crying everyday of their lives for their young children, after seeing all the plans and dreams being cut short after this type of diagnocis.

why do we want to raise awarness?

The diagnocis has to be made as early as possible. After hearing our story and our words, we want everyone to be a little bit more into the health of your child. Please, since now on, notice every single thing, try to check if there's no pending of the head for the sides and in front, and if there is nothing similar to possible seizures, if you just think that your child MIGHT have this, even for just a little moment that you saw something strange, take him/her to the hospital as soon as possible, it might just be normal and probably, everything is okay, but what if it's not? you can be preventing many horrible consequences of the desease by diagnosticing it as early as possible. Go to the pediatrician of you child, 3 in 3 months, to a normal check up and tell the doctor every doubt you might have and everythign that you don't know if its normal or not.

Together we can build a happier and saffer future for the children. They have this battle, and they will win it.
For us, the mission is set up, Now I ask, will you do it?